Monday, July 4, 2022


Reading Ann Voskamp's writing is a breath of fresh air. I love her poetic sense combined with the raw and unclouded truth of the gospel. In our life there will be storms. There will be heartache, grief, suffering, and paths that we simply don't which way to go; however, God, Our Waymaker is the One that makes a way. When we let go of our expectations and grip onto to the Waymaker to lead our way, we can begin to find true satisfaction and joy. We can be happy with things of this world but they are fleeting and only last a moment. The Waymaker shows us how to have a true joy that last no matter the storm or path we are on.

Ann states, "Prayer isn't about moving heaven to do things our way but about moving us to do things God's way on earth."

My favorite quote from the book:
"The moment you let go of expectations, much suffering lets go of you. Expect nothing but hesed. Expect God to knock on your door, expect God to rise on your horizon, expect hope and mercy and miracles and a glass of cold water, but just don't expect God to come looking any way you expect. Expect nothing but hesed--the lovingkindness of God--just not the kinds of ways you'd ever dreamed. Pain will come, but name it a mystery, and find manna in it and taste bits of miracle even in what you can hardly stand and don't understand."

"...I'd seized a pen and wielded it like a weapon against the dark and jotted down gifts, moments of grace, throughout the day, and for years I'd fought for joy because any life worth living demands that you refuse to let anything steal your joy because what steals your joy, steals your strength. "

God's hesed love (steadfast love, mercy, grace, compassion) is all we need. He is the miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness. He can make our darkness into light when we surrender our desires to His Will! Oh what a wonderful read and reminder of God's faithful Word!

Thank you Thomas Nelson and Netgalley for the opportunity to read and review this wonderful reminder of God's Faithful Love.

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